Digital solution for managing parking in the City of Copenhagen


The devil lies in the detail, it is said. This also applies to issuing parking licenses. What may sound like a simple task is in fact very complex. And there are many politically determined rules in the parking area that must be complied with.

We have delivered to Copenhagen Municipality a new parking solution based on the Casewhere platform. There are over 15 technical integrations built into the solution. From a citizen’s login with NemID draws information from e.g. CPR, CVR and the Motor Register (DMR) to ensure the greatest possible automation and the possibility of immediate issuance of parking licenses.

In the solution’s self-service portal, it is possible to apply for parking licenses, season tickets and similar parking products, and in the vast majority of cases it is possible to automatically issue the license to the citizen or company.

The solution checks, for example, how many parking licenses can be issued at an address (based on the number of citizens with the same CPR address) and checks whether the applicant has the right to use the vehicle in the Motor Register. If the necessary conditions are met, the license is issued immediately and otherwise it is transferred to manual case processing.

The parking solution is largely configurable, so that the municipality’s administrators can be responsible for the ongoing maintenance.

In addition to purchasing parking licenses, the solution also handles the receipt of payment and complaints about imposed parking fees.

The implementation of the new system has made sure that several of the workflows that previously had to be handled manually can now be handled digitally.

The solution has been implemented through an agile process in close dialogue with the municipality’s project team, where the team has continuously gained insight into the possibilities with the Casewhere platform and is therefore ready to support the municipality’s business needs for years to come.