Casewhere comes pre-integrated with Digital Denmark

When creating new eGov solutions, you will not be starting from scratch. 1000s of Application Programming Interfaces a.k.a. APIs (software intermediaries that allow applications to talk to each other) are already in place to serve new solutions. The most well known ones are NemID/ MitID and eBoks, but there are a lot more than these that will leapfrog your solution ahead of what would be possible in many other countries.

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Multiple different sites, but one system

Many standard systems offer just one entry point and one site for all user types. Casewhere can create as many unique sites as are needed to secure separate entry points, separate URLs, and separate user experiences for every single user type of your solution.

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Casewhere supports security and GDPR by default

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is the toughest privacy and security law in the world. Applied by the European Union (EU), it imposes obligations onto organizations anywhere, so long as they target or collect data related to people in the EU. The GDPR will levy harsh fines against those who violate its privacy and security standards, Therefore, it is extremely important that government systems adhere to GDPR best practices.

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Casewhere supports security and GDPR

Digital solution for managing parking in the City of Copenhagen

The devil lies in the detail, it is said. This also applies to the issuance of parking licenses. What may sound like a simple task is in fact very complex, as there are many politically determined rules in the parking area that must be complied with.

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Casewhere eGovernment framework is the solution for:


Casewhere – Multiple processes | One platform

Denmark Tops UN eGovernment Ranking Once Again

The World’s Best Digital Governments – United Nations

Digitalization in Denmark

  • Yearly over 300 million euro saved
  • 100s of digital self-service sites
  • Transparency and trust in government

Digitalization cuts cost and increases trust in government

Casewhere products and components

Ensuring correct identification of citizens is paramount to ensuring the right service to the right person at the right time….

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The authorization management product provides you with a range of features to control access to your data…

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Casewhere provides easy integrated access to The Danish Central Business Register, numerous built-in user interface controls …

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Casewhere simplifies the process of creating customized documents in the work with citizens and other stakeholders …

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Casewhere makes sure that this happens as securely as possible and that information is not lost in the process …

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The Denmark Data product API integrations with popular Danish web services offering access to publicly collected data …

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Casewhere’s email center product enable your end-users to efficiently manage the email life cycle from creation, queing, and …

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Casewhere supports GDPR via various features to anonymize data, eliminates or alters personally identifying information …

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Casewhere offers an electronic signing solution that helps you ensure decisions are legal and binding …

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